- What landforms are created in each of the 3 plate boundaries and state eather they are formed by oceanic-oceanic, continetal-continetal or continetal-oceanic
- What is the type of stress on destructive/convergent plate boundaries and draw arrows to indicate
- What happens at destructive/convergent plate boundaries when an oceanic and continetial crust meet
- Draw a cross-section and label of a continental and oceanic destructive/convergent plate boundaries
- What happens at oceanic and oceanic destructive/convergent plate boundraies
- Draw a cross section and label of the above process
- What happens at continental and continental destructive/convergent plate boundaries
- Draw a cross-section and label of the above process
- What is the type of stress on constructive/divergent plate boundaries and draw arrows to indicate
- What happens at an oceanic-oceanic constructive/ divergent plate boundaries
- Draw a cross-section and label of the above process
- What happens at an continental- continetal constructive/ divergent plate boundaries
- Describe the ridge pull
- Describe the slub pull
- What is the type of stress on conservative plate boundaries and draw arrows to indicate
- What happens a conservative plate boundary
- Describe what is meant by hotspots