QP- https://papers.gceguide.com/A Levels/Business (9609)/2020/9609_w20_qp_21.pdf
MS- https://papers.gceguide.com/A Levels/Business (9609)/2020/9609_w20_ms_21.pdf
(a) (i) Define the term ‘corporate social responsibility (CSR)’ (line 3). [2]
CSR is the concept that accepts that a business should consider the interests of society in its activities and decisions, beyond the legal obligations that it has by taking responsibility for the impact of its decisions and activities on customers, employees, communities and the environment
(ii) Explain the term ‘triple bottom line’ (line 15). [3]
Tripple bottom line are the three objectives of social enterprises, economic, social and environmental.
Economic aims to make a profit to reinvest back into the business and provide some reutrn to owners while
social provides jobs or support for local often disadvantaged communities and
environmental to protect the environment and to manage the business in a environmentally sustainable way
(b) (i) Refer to Table 1.1. Calculate the forecast profit margin for the year ending 30 November 2020. [3]
Profit margin= Profit/revenue x 100
6.4- (3.4+1.6+0.2)/ 6.4 x100 =18.8 percent
(ii) Explain one likely effect on UC of a decrease in profit. [3]