- Why might a business require starting capital?
- Why might a business require working capital
- Why might working capital be important?
- What is the working capital cycle
- What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of retained profits? (internal finance)
- What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of sale of unwanted assets (internal finance)
- What are some advantages and disadvantages of reducing working capital (Internal finance)
- What is the time period for short term finance
- What are the advantages and dis of bank overdrafts (short-term)(external finance)
- What are the advantages and dis of bank loans (short term)(external finance)
- What are the advantages and dis on hire purchase (long-term)(external finance)
- What are the advantages and dis of share capital rights issue(long term)(external)
- What are the advantages and dis of long-term loans (external)(long-term)
- What are the advantages and dis of mortgages
- What are the advantages and dis of debt finance
- What are the advantages and dis of venture capitalist
- What are the advantages and dis of crowd funding
- What are the 6 factors influencing financial choice
- How does use of finance which affects time period affect choice of finance
- How does cost affect the choice of finance