- Define manager
- What are managers reponsible for?
- Explain and name the 3 groups mintzberg derived.
- What are the 3 interpersonal roles mintzberg came up with?
- What are the role of a figure head and give example of the role in action
- What are the role of a leader and give example of the role in action
- What are the role of a liaison and give example of the role in action
- What are the 3 informational roles mintzberg came up with?
- What are the role of a monitor (reciever) and give example of the role in action
- What are the role of a disseminator and give example of the role in action
- What are the role of a spokesperson and give example of the role in action
- What are the 4 Decisional roles minztberg came up with?
- What are the role of an entrepreneur and give example of the role in action
- What are the role of a disturbance handler and give example of the role in action
- What are the role of a resource allocator and give example of the role in action
- What are the role of a negotiator and give example of the role in action
- Define leadership
- What are the 4 distinct leadership styles
- What are the 5 main features of an autocratic leader?
- What are the drawbacks of an autocratic leader?